What is Gracepoint all about?
Gracepoint Baptist Church has one mission. We exist to help everyone be a follower of Jesus. We understand a simple truth: we can’t transform a person but Jesus can. So we try to be a group of people who follow Jesus.
This is why you will hear us talk a lot about our daily walk with Christ. Just going to church cannot transform us. But a daily relationship with Jesus can.
We understand what Jesus can do. He can take those most broken by a broken world and heal them from the inside out. He can take those bound by sin and addiction and set them free. He can transform us into mature followers who can thrive in our relationships… in our jobs… and in our communities.
We experience this by being, first of all, good sons/daughters to our Heavenly Father.
This is our purpose. We would love for everyone who has experienced brokenness to experience the even greater power of grace found in Jesus. It is literally life-changing.